Dear Jakey,

In my  mind I almost thought I would get away without my five today because I could copy a beautiful letter Cait wrote to you and left at your grave. But the way it worked out I don’t have the letter with me so I am giving you my own original five – Cait’s will follow soon.

  1. Skiing last year made me feel closer to you. This year it hasn’t had the same effect. My first run today reminded me of last year. There are times when skiing when everything can feel just right – when you can feel all alone yet connected with the world. Today for some reason I felt it – last year I felt it almost every time and this year I hadn’t felt it until today. It was good.
  2. Chowderfest happened today. Just another day that would have been a nightmare with you here on earth – no offense my little man but it would have been hard on your momma. We did it without you and actually managed to taste no chowder. Go figure.
  3. Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday. I have left some Giants stuff at your place. I am nervous though buddy. Ethan joined Daddy with the Patriots. Not good.
  4. We are seeing the Globetrotters tomorrow. Not sure what to make of that.
  5. One of these days we will replace the engagement ring that the atlantic stole while in aruba.

