2025 Board of Directors Application DEADLINES (*please note that deadlines are 2-3 weeks prior to Board of Directors meetings)





When will I receive a decision about my application?

The applicant or the applicant’s family will receive a letter with the Board’s decision, whether it is an
approval or a denial. Care workers, social workers, or therapists who applied on behalf of another
individual should check with that individual to find out the status of the application.


If you submitted your application BY the following date: The Board will review your application on… The applicant’s family will receive a letter with the Board’s decision by…
11/8/24 12/3/24 1/3/25
2/3/25 3/4/25 3/25/25
5/5/25 6/3/25 6/24/25
7/27/25 9/8/25 9/29/25
11/3/25 12/2/25 12/23/25


Printable Applications

JHFH GENERAL : For medically fragile individuals in need of equipment, accessories and items of medical necessity or medical convenience.

JHFH TRAVEL APP : For those seeking reimbursement for medical travel to see doctors and/or specialists. The Medical Travel Worksheet is also available in Excel. If medical treatment is done locally, please use the Local Travel application.

JHFH TECH APP : For those applying for technology devices and apps.

JHFH Repeat Application : For applicants who have previously applied, have not reached their $1,500 calendar year cap and who have not had a change in diagnosis.  The Repeat Application is only for general requests.  

EMERGENCY SUPPORT FORM: This is for previously approved JHFH applicants who are experiencing an emergency situation that cannot wait until our scheduled Board of Directors meeting. Requests should not exceed $500. Please note that this does not replace our typical grant request program.

Online Applications

JHFH GENERAL ONLINE APP : For medically fragile individuals in need of equipment, accessories and items of medical necessity or medical convenience.

JHFH  TRAVEL ONLINE APP : For those seeking reimbursement for medical travel to see doctors and/or specialists. The Medical Travel Worksheet is also available in Excel.

JHFH TECH ONLINE APP :  For those applying for technology devices and apps.

JHFH Repeat Application : For applicants who have previously applied, have not reached their $2,500 calendar year cap and who have not had a change in diagnosis.  The Repeat Application is only for general requests.  

EMERGENCY SUPPORT ONLINE FORM: This is for previously approved JHFH applicants who are experiencing an emergency situation that cannot wait until our scheduled Board of Directors meeting. Requests should not exceed $500. Please note that this does not replace our typical grant request program.

Equipment Exchange

Jake’s Help From Heaven serves as an equipment exchange opportunity for families (within 100 miles of Saratoga Springs, NY) requiring adaptive equipment.  If you are in need of particular equipment, please email alyx@jakeshelpfromheaven.org  In order to borrow equipment, the following waiver will need to be signed: Jake’s Help From Heaven Printable Equipment Waiver or Online Equipment Waiver


Equipment can be picked up in Saratoga Springs. 

Please contact us if you have seats, standers, gait trainers, or adaptive strollers to donate.