Dear Jakey,
Today and yesterday I am so very thankful for Kate. Kate 1 as she has become known to us all. And while I know you already know this, she got married last night. She managed to look exactly like the Kate we all know and love – just even more beautiful and happy. I kept thinking about her relationship with you and I just know you would have loved to have been there. And it made me happy to know that you knew Andrew too. He came over to babysit with Kate that time and I don’t think you puked on him or anything 🙂
Anyways, as Kate starts a new chapter I can’t help but think and be thankful for the incredible impact she has had on our life. I remember when we interviewed her at the old house and I kept asking weird questions because I knew I was supposed to ask a lot of different things but also just knowing that she was the right match for us. And from the beginning she fit in, she always did exactly what I wanted – which we all know, especially in regards to you, was never easy for others. But she always listened, asked questions and was never afraid of you, even when you puked on her. And she did it all while watching your crazy big brother too and he loved (s) her just as much as you did. And through the years, she gave me and Daddy our date nights back and even the chance to have an overnight or two. I just can’t imagine our life without her.
So, Jakey, as you watch over all of us and let us know you are still with us, be sure to let Kate and Andrew know how happy you are for them and keep them on your watch.