Letters to Jakey
Dear Jakey, I just logged on for the first time in month to write to you. And the last time I wrote was December 7th, the day before you died. It sort of embarrasses me that this is what my letter writing has become - twice a year, on two of the hardest days. There...
Dear Jakey, I have been thinking lately about traditions. We have started so many since you've been gone. We come to Montreal every December to spend time and remember you away from the hoopla at home. We spend Christmas in Aruba and your birthday in Lake Placid. We...
Lost and Found
Dear Jakey, I still get overwhelmed by the loss in the world. Some days, it seems that no matter where you look people are living in the world of grief. I don't know the degree to which I noticed it before your death. Of course, I felt the tragedy that others feel...
Secret Fight
Dear Jakey, I feel a little like we were in a fight. Not really a real fight. More of a secret fight. You remember those don't you? The ones I get in with people when I know that it's mostly me being annoyed by things I shouldn't be. The ones that are more a "me...
Dear Jakey, Sometimes I feel like I have it all under control but then it becomes quite clear that I don't. I have been in a fog since we came back from California and while I first blamed it on jet lag, it has been clear that it is something more. Maybe it was the...
Onwards through the fog
Dear Jakey, Onwards through the fog. I woke up this morning thinking about that phrase. And I tried to remember when I first heard it or started saying it. It makes me think that it was a lifetime ago, maybe back when I was 20 and first started working at Zoland...
Dear Jakey, Wow, I did it again. I let an absurd amount of time go by between letters and I have been procrastinating this one for too long. So much has happened that I wanted to tell you about. So many things: happy and sad yet I never made the time. I don't know why...
4 years
Dear Jakey, So today's the day. A pit in my stomach arrives at some point before this day comes. And then the day comes and for the last four years we have spent this time away. The first year we went to Lake Placid and the following years we have come to Montreal...
Blurred Lines
Dear Jakey, As we quickly approach December 8th I find myself more and more in a daze. The line between happy and sad, between productive and not, between angry and weepy, silly and mopey is all so grey. Blurred Lines. When I was out today I heard that song which is...
Same Old
Dear Jakey, I started this on Monday and couldn't get it quite right. And I realized it was because it was a bit too early. I started to write in anticipation of how this time of year makes me feel and the distractions I had in place that I thought might prevent my...
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