Dear Jakey,

I have found myself so overwhelmed lately with it all. And yet I find myself today sitting here feeling quite proud of not only us, but of all those around us. I can’t help but be reminded of the good in everyone and I thank you for being the catalyst for it all. Today’s mail brought some pretty amazing things. A long time ago, my friend Lisa put me in touch with someone who wanted to help JHFH. She works at a place where they have dress down day and everyone who works there can opt in by making a donation to a specially designated charity. She got us on the list and last month was our day and today I got a check for $552.00 for Jake’s Help From Heaven. Amazing. And that is not it. We also got a donation from a couple in Gansevoort who saw the article in the paper and wanted to help. And we got an awesome thank you card from a family we were able to help. And we also received some of a missing piece of an older application so that we can hopefully begin to move forward in helping someone else before our next meeting.

And Jakey, that is not it. I came home from my run today to find an email from a friend who started a new business and is thinking of ways to help too. She is willing to donate a piece of each sale to us for the holidays. And on Monday we met with someone else who read the article and wants to help. We picked a day to do a Juicy Burger fundraiser. And as I sit here writing to you I am remembering people I need to get back in touch with who want to drop off raffle items for our next fundraiser already. People are good Jakey and I think I spent a lot of life not always sure I believed that. And now, through you, I am trying to remember that. And not sweat the small stuff. Everyone, or at least most everyone, is trying to do the right thing. And lots of people are helping us help others. And I know for a fact that you are responsible for so much of the good in my immediate world. And once again, I am left thanking you for my time with you and for all you have given me. And of course, missing you more than you can ever know.

