Jakes Hotel

Dear Jakey, The last few weeks, or maybe month, I have been inundated with thoughts, conversations, and different ideas about grief. I have talked more about you in the last month, and to more people, than I have in the previous few years. It is not that I didn’t talk...
Back Again

Back Again

Dear Jakey, After a 7 year hiatus, I returned to writing to you earlier this month. It was done away from this blog and really gave me a chance to think about all the things that these letters meant to me and why I stopped writing. It was like dipping your toe in the...

After 7 years

Dear Jakey, The last letter I wrote you was 12.2.16. Hard to believe. I don’t know why I stopped other than I think it hurt too much. It went from being my way of connecting with you to a constant reminder that you were gone. I kept telling myself I would restart but...


Dear Jakey, The new year is hours away. I think about this night a year ago when we were still in the beginning stages of our grief. Uncle Steve spent New Year’s Eve with us and we cooked and stayed home. We were recovering from too many margaritas the night...